Security company near me
Call MySecurity Services for a tailored security solution for your commercial site, office, shop, construction site, business, home or event.
Trusted Since 2006 Security guard & mobile patrol servics near me
MySecurity is an Australian based security firm with offices in Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne and Brisbane that was established in Sydney 2006. Since 2006 MySecurity has been steadily increasing its market share with the use of advanced management theories and greater utilisation of new state of the art technology. Customer satisfaction, ensuring return business, has been a core value from the time of inception. We are constantly looking for ways to improve our customers’ satisfaction and welcome all feedback.

What Makes MySecurity Different?
We are committed to providing our clients with security solutions that are tailored to meet their unique situations rather than taking a one-size-fits-all approach. Our managers bring a wealth of experience with them; not just from the security industry but also hospitality and service industries, IT, finance, building services, communications and business law. These varied backgrounds help us to provide innovative solutions to our clients’ security issues and to focus on providing the highest standards of customer service.
All areas of Sydney
MySecurity operates in al areas of Sydney, from the North Shore to the South Coast, West up the Blue Mountrains and all the Eastern subarbs. Being centrally located in Regents Park we cover all the Greater Western Sydney.
MySecurity, best security company near me.
Client Satisfaction
Our managers & security guards offer quality customer service to ensure your security projects run smoothly.
We continusly train all staff to insure they have the most up to date information to perfom their jobs to a high standard.
MySecurity, best security company near me.
Professionalism comes from our extensive experience. This is our 16th year in operation.
Our managers bring 40 years of combined experience not only in manpower security but also electronic security, IT and electrical.
MySecurity, best security company near me.
Security Solutions
One size doesn’t fit all, especially with security. We’ll tailor a security solution to fit your specific needs.
We will take the time to meet you and assess you site and needs. Providing you various options and strategies.
MySecurity, best security company near me.
That’s why we believe that our most important asset is our people and that taking care of our people is the key to our success. Our business is manpower and we are always looking to employ outstanding and focused individuals from within and from outside the industry. A career in security entails a lot of responsibility, if you are of strong character and wish to join a team that is going places then please click here to go to our employee page.
Social Responsibility
MySecurity seeks to minimise it’s environmental footprint through the use of recycled materials and green energy whenever possible.
We feel strongly that a business should be socially responsible and aware of its place in the community. We support local charities by providing security at discounted rates and encourage our staff to take time out to undertake volunteer work.